12 |
"High Performance Fault Simulation using a new Hardware Accelerator"
11 |
"Path-Delay Fault Simulation for a Standard Scan Design Methodology"
10 |
"Fastpath: A Path-Delay Test Generator for Standard Scan Design Methodology"
9 |
"A Path-Delay Test Generator for Large VLSI Circuits"
8 |
"Automatic VHDL Model Generation System"
7 |
"Modeling and Simulation of Design Errors"
6 |
"New Design Error Modeling and Design Validation Metrics"
5 |
"Automatic Error Pattern Generation for Design Error Detection in a Design Validation"
4 |
"Fast Logic Simulation For Design Verification, using a Non-Dominating Value 'S'"
3 |
"Comparative Analysis of Error Simulation Algorithms for Design Validation"
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