164 |
"Efficient Systolic-Array Redundancy Architecture for Offline/Online Repair"
163 |
"Dynamic Built-In Redundancy Analysis for Memory Repair"
162 |
"A Low-cost Concurrent TSV Test Architecture with Lossless Test Output Compression Scheme"
161 |
"Test Friendly Data Selectable Self-Gating (DSSG)"
160 |
"Highly Reliable Redundant TSV Architecture for Clustered Faults"
159 |
"An Efficient BIRA Utilizing Characteristics of Spare Pivot Faults"
158 |
"TSV Repair Architecture for Clustered Faults"
157 |
"Test Resource Reused Debug Scheme to Reduce the Post-Silicon Debug Cost"
156 |
"A Statistic-based Scan Chain Reordering for Energy-Quality Scalable Scan Test "
155 |
"A debug scheme to improve the error identification in post-silicon validation"