124 |
"Reduced-Code Test Method Using Sub-Histograms for Pipelined ADCs"
123 |
"A 3 Dimensional Built-In Self-Repair Scheme for Yield Improvement of 3 Dimensional Memories"
122 |
"A Novel Massively Parallel Testing Method using Multi-root for High Reliability"
121 |
"A New Thermal-Aware Voltage Island Formation for 3D Many-Core Processors"
120 |
"A BIRA for Memories with an Optimal Repair Rate Using Spare memories as an Address Mapping Table for Area Reduction"
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"A Delay Test Architecture for TSV with Resistive Open Defects in 3D-Stacked Memories"
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"Recovery-Enhancing Task Scheduling for Multicore Processors under NBTI Impact"
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"A New Fuse Architecture and a New Post-share Redundancy Scheme for Yield Enhancement in 3D-stacked Memories"
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"A New Multi-site Test for System-on-Chip using MSTAR(Multi-site Star Test ARchitecture)"
115 |
"Interleaving Test Algorithm for Sub-threshold Leakage Current Defects in DRAM Considering the Equal Bit Line Stress"